Most people want others to think that they do insane things all the time. Who wants to tell people that over break they spend most of their time with their cat? Here’s an example of a few white lies people tell about their break:
What really happened:
I caught up on all the latest seasons of “Dexter.”
Went to Thunder Alley with the fam.
My mom and I did a combined Costco/Target run.
I did some shoveling from a monster snowstorm that hit.
Creeped on my ex on Facebook.
Listened to Adele and cried.
Cleaned my room.
What you told people:
On the first night back, a group of my friends all got together. It was a huge party. It was supposed to just be a few people, and then people just kept showing up. I was out until like 3 a.m. and had to recover the whole next day.
One night, my family got a little cray cray on the wine. My parents, aunt, uncle and cousins were all tipsy by 8 o’clock.
I went gambling and won around $200.
One time I went to the gym when I was high . . . the treadmill didn’t work out so well.
Hooked up with my ex.
Went to Kanye and Jay-Z’s “Watch the Throne” concert.
On New Year’s Eve = cross-faded. I don’t know if I even made it until midnight. I might have kissed more than one person . . . who knows.