Live Blog Issue 7


Welcome to another rousing addition of the Pioneer Production Night live blog. Here you can follow our every move as we lay out, edit, and finalize Issue 7. Look out for the paper tomorrow around noon!


5:02 pm: Controversy abounds in the Pioneer Offices over which kind of Oreo to get for the rest of our snacks. Should we get double stuffed? Birthday cake? Thin Mint? Halloween Orange? Any suggestions are welcome in the comments.

5:04: pm: Look out for some striking statistics on tomorrow’s front page. Marra and Sarah are furiously researching and revising our lead article.

5:07 pm: A lot of editors and PAs getting their work done early this afternoon!


5:31 PM: The backpage is complete! Jeffrey (the section editor) and his writers have been doing a fantastic job creating the funniest section we’ve seen at The Pioneer in a long time.

5:49 PM: Things have quieted down now as the editors scatter away to dinner. Sarah has caused considerable backlash by sharing her burrito recipe with most (but not all) of the Whitman faculty, but none of its students; angry emails ensued. On a slightly more serious note, the Opinion, Humor, A&E, and Feature pages have all been completed. This process includes the Production Associates laying out the pages followed by the Section Editors including any final details (headlines, photo captions, etc.). Then Sarah usually gives the page a final look before dismissing the editor.

6:54 PM: The office is heating up! Back from dinner, the news editors are finalizing their pages while final touches continue to be added to all sections. I’ll have to take a break from blogging while I eat dinner and upload all our pdfs of past issues to our website!

8:33 PM: Sorry for the long break. We’re back at it here at the top floor of Reid. After a quick planning meeting with Sarah and Marra, we reentered the office where the copy editors are hard at work and we’re almost done!

8:36 PM: Jk. The night is still young.

8:48 PM: “I haven’t done any actual work yet, but when do I actually ever do any work?” -Our lively and philosophical Editor In Chief.

9:10 PM: Sophomore Jessi Anderson, copy editor extraordinaire, is going to declare her history major soon! She’s made the right choice.

9:12 PM: Maggie talks seriously about front layout. Kerr on phone. Maggie: “Were you listening to that?” Kerr: “I thought you were talking to Lachlan.” #focus